Sunday 29 May 2011

From Chinese scratch to constant whining

I am going for an expression that would embody the old Chinese habit of ruining the perfection of an art piece or of a human being by willingly scratching a tiny spot of the cup, smudging a painting or putting an ugly hat on the nice person, in order to prevent "the Gods from being envious on their beauty and ruin it for the humans". But I couldn't find the exact expression in a short search on the net, so I am going ahead and using what I suppose it should sound like.

Anyway, such a belief explains the tendency to brag about the nice things in our life, but only up to a limit. And instead to let it all out when it comes to nostalgia, depression, anger and so on, a thing that the modern culture kind of also encourages. So, between blabbing about the perfect days and complaining about the bad ones, I would say that the complaining prevails.

Which makes it harder and harder to express genuine appreciation for the good things we sometimes experience. Not meaningless, only-personally-precious moments like "I saw a ray of light, this made my day", but some good facts, that could be also appreciated by others and have the potential of brightening. They make us happy, but also bring a weird silence. Maybe we are afraid to jinx them. But it is rarely happening, hearing an objective positive story from people.

Instead, the whining is a means of relating, of communicating: the speaker is emptying his emotional trash on the others, the listeners have an inner sometimes even unconscious satisfaction out of comparing themselves with the whiner and finding a friend in the same need or in a far worse one that their own. So, I heard people whining about the sunny days, but also about the rainy ones, about all the seasons and all kinds of situations...It is also contagious, and often I hear my lips whining without my full approval to do so...Well, we go along with the times we live in, right?

In the same order of ideas, had a couple of nice, better days. Hope not to jinx it. The only problem, so nice that I couldn't find the dim button in the evenings...

And also, I've lost track a bit of a dear friend, maybe this person reads these and can send some news...? I am thinking of writing (uau!) a non-electronic letter and post it, but still hoping I will find an update message these days...All the hugs and hope everything is OK.

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