Friday 29 April 2011

Danny Kaye and Cosmo Kramer

At a glance: first, the way they both look.

Second, if we look at the wikibio of Kaye, we notice he:

-ran away to Florida as a young boy (Kramer allegedly ran away from home at age 17 and stowed away aboard a steamer bound for Sweden)

-had a strong interest in cooking, installing contraptions in his kitchen and making his own sausages

-was passionate about medicine (could have tried to be a doctor if his parents afforded it) and used to watch surgery on several occasions

-loved baseball(not much of a connection, as a lot of people love it)

-had a character he interpreted only at home, Kaplan, the owner of a rubber company (like the rich Van Nostrand and other Kramer alter egos)

-"Superman creators, Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, also fashioned a short lived superhero title, Funnyman, taking inspiration from Kaye's public persona" - this would point to Jerry's obsession with Superman and various similarities with that

- their overall body language, excluding the effeminate gestures of DK

Thursday 14 April 2011

Joi nici macar nu e vineri

Vineri e o zi de zi pentru ca incepe weekendul. Joi nici macar asta nu e. Atunci de ce imi vine sa injur si sa sparg ceva joi?

Tocmai joi sa ma lase asa deodata tot cheful. Incep sa ma gandesc, ca acusi vine Pastele, daca macar pentru o saptamana, putem matura asa frumos, toate chestiile gen planuri, dorinte si preferinte si pune la cos...apoi, trosc, capacul.Post la figurat. Dao - sa nu iti doresti nimic. Ehe, de cand am incercat eu sa aplic asta, dar mereu ma trezeam ca pandesc cu coada ochiului "Are efect? Acu primesc bonusul- sa se intample ceva fain?"

Blocaj, sau plictiseala de a mai fi om mare. Si nu, daca fac curat nu vreau sa aglomerez locul gol cu sfaturi si minciunelele altora, care nu au facut curat in viata lor. Ba mai zic ca o duc si bine, cu toate tinichelele stralucitoare ca decor...Serenity now. Daca nu ma bucur repede de ceva, dau in rautate...malitiozitate.

Joi, desigur, ca vineri pe la pranz e posibil sa iasa soarele. Si cat de greu e sa stai atunci bosumflat pe viata? Plus Fringe. Intotdeauna imi schimba starea.

Am uitat de postare, vreo jumatate de ora m-am uitat pe net. Efectele netului...mai mult te uiti la ce scriu altii decat sa scrii tu. Ca sa nu mai zic de facut ceva.Hmm.

Ok, e joi, e frig si ploaie. Numai bun ori sa razi ca hiena si sa vezi "Bored to death" etc, ori sa te lamentezi. Ca e plictiseala, ca ploua. Ca e joi, nici macar vineri.


Tuesday 12 April 2011

MLM and Internet

Remember those so-much-hated encounters with MLM?

And, yea, I started with a rhetorical question, a method used at their meetings. If your ears weren't already on shutdown after the first pompous obnoxious (and so on) phrase they declaimed, you could hear their basic principle: friends are an asset, and the better you "milk" them of money and/or of other contacts in order to sell the products and make yourself a fortune, the best.

Now, mind that, either you were told or you noticed by yourself (as a MLM shit-head, in an absurd hypothesis) that not all friends were valuable, only those with popularity or money, or just contacts that could be dragged into the meetings.

Now, much hated ideas somehow work their way into popular mentality in an insidious way, and I think MLM friend-usage is to be found on the net in those situations were people know each other.

Anonymity brings a lot of swearing, but also sincerity. No use to "earn points" by liking an unlikable item, if you are anonymous.
But if we know each other, what better way to have an unspoken you say well of mine-I say well of yours bargain than liking and praising here and there?

And now even more and more sites make registering necessary just in order to comment, so bye-bye relative anonymity. Plus it takes longer to write down a reaction that just sprung to mind, so bye-bye spontaneity. I used to like the nonsense of anonymous comments, even the injurious ones. If I didn't want to read them, I would skip them, but it gave a freedom feeling to see them all there. Now, it's a "register and login " world...bleah.

Of course, next on the list are the socialization sites, a mix-up of face to face social conventions and Internet, with a strong MLM feeling...I'll just leave it at that.

The blogs are so and so, as long as the comments have in theory the nickname signature. But usually people use clues to let the blogger know who said what, they want the credit for their comments as they are rarely derogative.
Blogs are like small clubs, if you are a complete stranger, what are the chances to just end up in one? Usually you use directions to find them, so the posters-readers are a small group who can of course bring other contacts, but who know each other...relatively.

Some of the comments (especially when we are talking pictures) are even mimicking the street random meetings with true or not-so-true friends, in which there was a lot of kissing in the air, lots of interjections, of false/not false admiration, and plenty of never realized plans and invitations: "Oh, you look beautiful! Really amazing! What a nice dress/ring/costume..We must see each other again! Come by my house sometimes!...Honey, sooo glad seeing you! O-ha-ha-ha"

So on, so forth. I got bored and my being pissed off (of course something triggered this) is wearing off.

So, I might self-comment in a derogatory manner...

Sunday 10 April 2011

Working the land

This activity is private, yet a day ago I've been so suddenly and heavily working that it has earned a right to be talked about.

A field of boulders was waiting for us Saturday, completely insensitive to our Utopian plans of planting some seeds quick and effortless. We grabbed by chance a owner of some agricultural device who, making our wallet a bit less heavier, broke the boulders into smaller pieces. A few minutes of happy unrealistic plans again! Underneath these smaller earth blocks, the land was still hard and uninviting for any seed, I dare say even for alien plants, if there were any ready to attack.
Different opinions about what to do clashed a bit, and one participant disappeared into the house, only to appear later, more submissive, and rejoin the work.

So, I gathered my comfy knowledge from a French magazine for kids, in which there were shown a few easy steps for getting yourself "un jardin potager", and we re-grouped.

A few hours later we had ourselves some squares and quadrilaterals, a glorious number of 3, with the same clay soil, a bit fluffier. Not a good soil for vegetable-related activities, but since there is no other... Of course, it would have been way more pleasant to just have ideas, and have them be transformed into reality by other people, while sipping juice from my shoe:)

But having no money to pay for the work of others, we just kept pecking the land, sometimes sighing, sometimes swearing,(in our minds) other times just losing all thoughts in a meditative trance. It felt good overall. And very thirsty. After some time working, a bottle of water seemed the only thing staying between me and fainting. Or screaming in anger. Or whatever.

In the evening, after some food, and some other work around the house, I felt better, bright eyes, red cheeks, having worked a bit. (Looking back, it seemed I could boast a little and say we worked "a bit").

The land, still there, still not very friendly. Even though I do not accept the pre - determination coming from kindred, a relationship with a land that has not been in my family for a while is still unsettling. It is a new land, it talks in strange ways and does not want to submit.

The taming process is unpredictable, and again, private.

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Failing at failing

If someone doesn't even do failing right, is he or she "failing at failing"?

I just googled the term combination and got out a link, but it's about failure in business, so it does not help. I am talking about personal stuff.

I guess artistic failing it's impossible if one realizes what is just going on and somehow freezes the loop of failing by self analysis ...for example.

Just a thought.

Saturday 2 April 2011

Local: telemea uscata... oi Huedin, de la Napolact. Adica un fel de rubrica demodata "un produs pe saptamana". Daca tot mananc constant cate o chestie de ceva vreme, sa ii acord ceva credit, pana nu dispare de pe piata sau isi pierde calitatea, atat cata are.

Am mancat azi ceva telemea sarata(uscata/de iarna), de la un chiosc de lemn (daca am inteles eu bine) din Bucuresti, home made, dar am constatat cu oarece surpriza ca nu imi mai place, m-am obisnuit cu mirosul neutru si gustul bun, fara a fi picant, prea-de-oaie sau cu ceva particular, al Cedrei de oi Huedin. Ma tot holbam nemultumita la bucata, pitoreasca, ce e drept, dar care ma facea sa ma incrunt, din farfurie.

Acu, daca nu ma inseala memoria gustativa, branza asta taraneasca e pe undeva gresita, mancam si mai demult telemea, demult de tot in copilarie, de la unchii indepartati din Sibiu, si nu simteam ca parca mananc si oaia cu tot cu lana, dupa ploaie. Nu era gresita nici asta chiar asa rau sa nu o poti manca (am mirosit si mestecat jumatate de ora si produse intr-atat de rele, cu alte ocazii), dar the aftertaste cel putin ma face sa ma gandesc la oi nu prea spalate si la plovere de lana...

Deci voi reveni modest la telemeaua Huedin-easca, care nu imi pune la incercare mirosul sau rezistenta la sare cu aroma de oaie. O data am nimerit si dinasta foarte sfaramicioasa si slaba, dar am incercat, mai precaut, ce e drept, sa mai cumpar inca o data, si era normala, cu destula grasime. O mananc molcom si fara pretentii pe paine cu unt, langa cartofi prajiti, langa ou ochi sau fiert, pe macaroane, cu rosii si paine, si sper ca nu se va scumpi in mod demoralizant...

Cat despre producatori, am gasit pe net ca au undeva la 386 de angajati, ca is pe la Cluj, au avut ceva acuzatii ca importa lapte mai ieftin si il vand ca lapte clujean, dar le-au dezmintit...Daca mergem pe fir, vedem ca in dezmintire a fost citat Peter Szautner, managerul general al Friesland Campina Romania, deci Napolact asta e doar cu numele ro, e un brand preluat, fuzionat si innebunit ( Nu stiu sa caut mai ordonat, dar se vede pe acolo un amestec de Campina, Parmalat, Danone, Milli...Inteleg ca toate au fost la un moment dat sau inca mai sunt al grupului mamut FC, si nu-mi prea place ce inteleg. De cand cu fuziunile astea turbate toate produsele au gusturi tot mai asemanatoare, intitulate generic "gust care nu e bun".

Sa revenim la branza noastra, care inca are gust ok, si ma face sa o mai mananc si alta data. Probabil ca in lipsa conditiilor favorabile existentei unor centre de productie mici si independente, de pe la noi, fie ele ale lui Ion, Ioji sau Iohann, ne putem gandi si la ceva pozitiv de genul ca au loc de munca cateva sute de oameni din tara, si ca, daca un produs al magaoaiei de firma x produs la noi e mai bun, probabil undeva un sub-sub-sub director sau asa ceva e atent cu igiena sau cu selectarea laptelui, cu alegerea oamenilor etc.

Sa nu mai gasit pe youtube un user care se dedica criticarii aceleiasi firme, adevar sau antireclama? Si eu care credeam ca am ales drept tema o simpla branza de la raft, vad ca ea e un fel de vedeta colaterala in lupta de branduri. Interesant. Mai gasesc si alte chestii, cam skimpy e drept: . Deci candva era un Vlad care exporta "inclusiv in Statele Unite ale Americii"? Deja sunt curioasa cand, cum, in ce fel se organiza un astfel de export. Complicat., slide-ul 16 din 20 e un pic mai detaliat. Aha. Ma prefac ca e de ajuns. Si incep sa ma strepezesc la numele folosite in re-branding: "iaurturile Zdravan si Numa’ Bun, smantana Gospodar si iaurtul Usurel".Iiih. Nu imi plac denumirile astea, bine ca nu au botezat si branza cumva.

Gata, m-am plictisit. O poza, si inchei.