Monday 15 April 2013

Spring - question mark

The spring is late this year. But nature has no clocks ticking - just the inner mechanisms reacting to the right temperature and humidity. It has started its blooming and sprouting and flowering regardless of the delay. Sometimes one can't even feel the smell of flowers because of the air pressure or some other factor, yet the flowers are here and they go by their rules... they do not analyze or wait for permission, they are not hip or trend or whatever. Nature tries to keep the flows of life as they should be...

Some put animals higher than people, and find comfort in nature while rejecting the humans. Not the most balanced option, as both parties have their place on Earth. Both can be constructive and destructive, both suffer or thrive and both meet on the same grounds. One might say that only the perpetual dynamic matters, the movement forward, creating energy, like in a battery system... others might say that it is not the end that count, but the journey. Maybe it is both: the way the journey looks determines how will the result look like. The entire nature, humans included, start by being in a way and end up by transforming throughout the journey... the future is creating itself every moment.

Where is the thread that must be followed in this ambiguous travel, then? It does not come from the outside, rather from the inside, answering an outside call. Like the flowers blooming according to the weather, not to the calendar, people feel the mysterious movements of the world around them.

Yet the ambiance is noisy and noisier: all the different types of "should" and "shouldn't" - s, all the recipes for moral, ethics, success and feeling well, all the voices through all the means of communication are outsiders pushing into the special relationship each and every person should have with its own surroundings.

I find it hard to listen to the inner sounds and movements of all events, in fact harder and harder, since the thoughts that arise from such perceptions are blocked by the clichés rooted in the mind of an adult. You think of well being and bang! - a sum of recipes are provided by the memory that in fact have no real meaning since they are not self-produced. There is such thing  as too much information, taking away the chance of discovering by yourself a way, a thought, a mystery of life. And in the huge amount of information available on almost every question of life - slippery are the slopes of deceiving the human psyche.

Being original is almost impossible - connected to the Internet of not. One can come with a new idea in isolation and yet find out later that it has already been produced elsewhere in the world. Some say that it is no wonder since all the humans are connected through an invisible field and so on. But if all has already been discovered, why do so many problems linger in the world? And the conspiracy theory might be a prompted answer, yet we are not living at the bottom of a bucket and I would rather think that all cannot be suppressed, controlled and planned. life must be greater that this.

The only logical answer that I choose to believe is that not all have been discovered, that there is still need and place for originality, by this meaning more than just a new mix of all that has already been: information, data, symbols, legends, etc. This vicious circle of encoding a view over the world that humans have been practicing in order to keep some dry info has grown far out of proportions and is shadowing the reality. We are mistaking some notes on the Universe passed on from generation to generation for the truth  and even though the things are not working well, some are stubborn to keep this illusion.

People structured in this way are dogmatics, regardless of them being religious or scientific. They forget, or choose to forget, that the more one "reads", accumulates info fed to him, the less he really knows, and having worked so hard at accumulating and encoding, they want to keep the stakes high and not allow others who haven't followed this path to have a say. As history is longer and longer, soon the average human life won't be enough for such a person to go through all the study needed... it seems a pointless way. Of course, to help on this approach on knowledge, probably such scholars would have someday (if they don't already) computer chips in their heads to speed up the accumulating process, or pass the task to the quantic computer.

If spring would have to take the time of going through all the information related to all the other springs, maybe we would not even have any spring at all.

Nature does not keep museums or databases as such, it transforms and passes on only the viable and compressed things that are useful for life. No use crying over spilled milk - nostalgia is rather human. This does not praise destruction or nihilism - yet the dinosaurs are gone and the humans did not campaign for their rights, continents have disappeared a no "Save the continents" association has made any waves. The preoccupation for lost things is ultimately egocentric, and it motivates itself through the guilt of humans for singlehandedly destroying nature for profit. For the humans go over the necessary limits, this is right. Yet, they keep on doing  the same mistakes while putting up the protest mechanism for what has been lost and for what is still being destroyed. How could we call this duplicity? Good and evil? Destroyers and saviors? Well, not really. We can see what the destroyers are destroying, but what ARE the so called saviors saving? They say that the aim is a change in the way we are thinking, yet the solutions proposed are self-sabotaging: the world need a compromise in the question of how humans affect the environment. Yet, all it gets is a bunch of new clichés and actions plans and portfolios, like a theatrical play with a very intricate script that covers a lack of real solutions. So, the human nature pushes forward and transforms its surroundings in a similar way to nature, the only difference being the produce. What are we striving to produce? the nature is adapting and tends to produce a permanent basis for itself to exist. Volcanoes erupt, lava cools down and is fertile, and then a new vegetation appears...
Societies grow, thrive, then disappear, humans expand and collapse their existence, then it all starts again. Are we talking cycles?

A positive answer generates at least sadness in humans, with their quest for immortality. Who would peacefully accept the idea of cycle, of life turning into dust all the progress for the humans to start over again? A more humble human society that the one walking on this earth now... People who have lived happier lives and could accept the idea of such a big change. But we are taught to make sacrifices over sacrifices, or accept that  happiness is an unattainable goal in the view of a future bliss. Some even had the clever idea of moving this bliss beyond the earthly existence. And this creates a thirst, an immense expectation, written in the minds and souls of millions of people. Nobody thinking like this would embrace the idea of cycles.

Maybe it is a hoax. Some have more and some have less, and to validate this lack of balance, those who have more complain and look busy and those who have less are taught to believe in all kinds of unverifiable ideas. Yet no one can have an equal and identical life. Each should find happiness in discovering its particular place and goal. Like in nature, some plants are made for heights, some for waters, some for sunny spots and some for shade. or rather have adapted themselves for these conditions long time ago, and they require over ages the same conditions. Well, they also keep on adapting... Maybe it is cycles, and after the lava cools the plants whose seeds have resisted will start all over again.

Yet, humans are more than plants. Some have discovered that if their will is strong enough it can push ideas into reality and change all around them. Good and bad. I wonder if one could estimate which prevails...
And here the natural rules are sped up and superseded. If, for the base set of rules, nature could be seen as a guide, for the new set of rules where should we look to? Have humans gone too far in unmapped territory? or the maps exist and known only by some?

Don't know. At eye level, we (still) have nature and seasons. We have a delayed Spring, and a limited span of years in an average human lifetime. I would say modern humans are rather unhappy or moderately content with their lives. Like long forgotten memories we dream unclear dreams of better times, of friendlier and easier lives. There is no going back, yet there should be a reunion of modern science and society with old fashioned simpler happiness. honest, not pretend.

We have the ability to forget what is not useful, to create and be original if our minds are not hackled and stressed all the time. Each of us stands completely alone in his pains and thoughts and destiny, yet we are connected to the others through the outside manifestations of out presence and through the energy of our mind. We affect the others through ripple-like effects, but we need to decide in our solitude and honesty how to navigate this world of circles. And when we are stuck... I would like to thing that it is part of the natural ways and not the effect of the will of others who have Godlike delusions.

Thursday 4 April 2013

Trending: greed

Greed has many faces. The way I see it here, it pushes the modern society in all its corners towards a future that has no shape yet, a dangerous future maybe, created by the ever changing present, bursting into future as a chemical compound still reacting would reverberate in new shapes.

Source: an ordinary TV show, like many others" Mary, Queen of Shops. Youtube, I tube, we all tube and can easily get an idea about what this type of shows is about. It's about forming the opinions of the masses, shaping a way of thinking, ultimately shaping a form of human being. a mean one.

The "trend" arguments are revolving in a vicious circle: someone claims that he/she knows what is "up", "trendy", "in fashion", "popular" and states whatever stupidity with such a fanatic conviction that in fact it actually creates what he/she claims already exists. It is just another borrowed term from the real people to the manipulative system. Whether for rating, money or other more obscure reasons, the main stakes nowadays, the core of the power in social terms is the skill of manipulating.

So this basically older and not so beautiful lady, expert in shaping and branding fashion stores, comes "to the rescue" of small business, and deploys a real flood of management terms, interpersonal psychology and loss of old style common sense. Her motto "what I don't know isn't worth knowing" - she uses this arrogant expression for some of her experts, too... How does she transform the small boutiques? By bowing to the masses of young shoppers, to the celebrities and their looks (which in fact are carefully chosen - they are paid to wear various items, or they get free stuff if they subtly or not so subtly promote them), to the wacky fashion shows collections... and by raising the prices of the sold items in almost every case. Changing names, shops decorum, prices... throwing away loads of clothes that are not in fashion and do not sell well at the moment.

OK, how about the production of the new "praised" items? Are they made in Bangladesh of China by some third world slaves? Eh, why bother...
What about the materials - cotton or other natural fibers, or just the old pain in the ass unhealthy plastic? How do the clothes feel? What are the clothes we associate with memories, that we care for? Meh, who cares...

Not a word about how clothes should be infused with our unique personality, about buying wisely, about the existence of more that one category of shoppers. For this woman and this show, only the carefree youngsters with lots of money on their hands or their older corespondents matter... The fashion is given by anonymous sources, yet pinned upon this crowd of potential buyers ...

How about giving us a break with the ultra skinny figures and the unisex aspect of the people promoted nowadays in this forced culture? We are not aliens. Yet.
Normal people should come in various shapes - not pathologically obese (probably the effect of altered metabolisms, altered by pollution in water, air and food), and have differentiated faces and looks. Nobody should look like a clone of other users of the same cosmetic shop, for example...

And, to come back to the title - the greed! To pray on the peoples' weaknesses, preferences and dreams in order to get the money out of their pockets. To consider them stupid animals which deserve to be cheated and pushed around into actually wanting to pay more than less on an item, because cheap is dubious after being brainwashed that only expensive means quality. To get them to pay for the brand, for the magic keyword that some publicity shithead produces to mesmerize the crowd... To eliminate the more human competitors and keep the big money only with those who apply the same policy...

In society terms, it is almost impossible to go back to less once one has induced more. Progress is addictive. only ad hoc situations or those who shake the people from its hypnosis can stop the movement forward.

So, what the heck are we moving forward too with all this greed? Weirdly enough, playing it low and saving this and that seems to be a weird attitude. Money attracts money, abundance is the same. Living in a minimalist style - when it is not fake - when the loads of people are going the other way makes a person feel weird and lonely. Like it or not, the movement is too big and rapid in a direction that comprises greed, unhealthy materials, using more and more natural resources...

The only compass - probably covered with dust, figuratively speaking- for most of us is an intrinsic common sense. Why change this while still good? Why have 2 or 3 cars when one is enough? Why adopt the ideas of others, be them on TV, in the newspapers or on the city walls?

If these are not motivated from the inside, we are just caught in the dance of greed, mainstream, consumerism, boredom...

Yes, we are bored. The main products ruling this world are now "geek products", reality-compensating products As cruel as it was for them, geeks (although the term is somehow limited) didn't have much of a social life in recent history - hence staying inside, dreaming alternate realities, creating them later through movies, computing, books... OK so far, but from here to dragging the entire world into staring at some screens relentlessly, because the outside world is becoming more and more polluted, ugly, deserted and "not cool"... that is not OK.

The race for the modern industrialization and for progress almost always reaches a point where it goes wrong, where a useful invention is simply topped with some useless features in order to "sell" and "keep it going"... and in the process the earth is drained of its beauty and resources. The once normal people feel alienated in this weird universe where most of us don't even understand what we are doing, using machines through an users' interface as much as we are allowed to, without really understanding how these machines work. the bigger this gap, the more not normal and insane it is... Practically many have become stupid moving among notions and machines completely strange to them.

For the humans is horrible - we need to understand, to interact with the others and with the nature and planet. We need to feel in control and happy because our thinking structure - typical, classical, call it however you want - is being engaged in useful actions and thoughts. Why not be needed and appreciated for a clever everyday idea, for a kind heart, for a sense of humor? Why be useful only in terms of skills, money, trends and progress?

Why no greed equals no good life? Even the self help tones of books, the spiritual healing teachings (at least the ones who fill all the libraries' shelves) teach people to be greedy and selfish: find YOUR way, spoil YOURself, change YOUR life, be the kindest, say the most prayers, save YOURself when the world would end... Why, may I ask? Again with the competition and the race, with the improvement and the progress...

I will not enter into maybe another topic, but something is fishy here, considering how much the mainstream ideas share in their core with the supposedly their opponent philosophies. The same "hook" techniques, the same "sell-buy-convince" vibe...

Stop with the greed, or at least assume it for what it is, and stop pretending that other things are motivating various actions, when its slithering shape can be easily guessed underneath the so called reasons