Wednesday, 28 November 2012

What to do?

I just browsed an article about the horrendous state of the world and of the humanity. The solutions (proposed from the "higher floor"), were drastic and harsh, but given the ecological needs of the globe and the system that is about to collapse so on and so forth...

This does not sound like a honest, well intended solution plan, it just sounds as an excuse for drastic measures meant to cover the interest of a few to the detriment of many. Those many cannot be idealized either, they lack culture and are greedy and reduced maybe to the consumer state, as the plans of the last decades want them to be. But the few chosen ones are not the geniuses that need to be saved the first either. they are (or many of them are) just as greedy and materialistic as the mass of poor souls the humanity is pictured like. So this "we and the others" image does not seem at all true and in good faith.

Going back in time is not possible either, we cannot run away in the woods and start foraging and hunting. Unless a catastrophe chases people there, we must keep whatever we achieved good and go on from here on. Considering that the individual initiative either lacks, either is quickly hijacked and turned evil, yes, ladies and gentlemen, the solution must come from the alleged enemy. The big companies must be convinced to relinquish part of their control in order to heal the communities. A dead horse will not carry your weight, and a desperate penniless person will not buy and consume the goods that they sell. of course it will keep on doing that until he or she is completely penniless, but then - what?

The companies have the power, more that the states. Not showing it is just a protective measure for the already week psyche of the people, and a maneuver used in order to impose wicked stuff easier as "coming from the state". They must turn - yet the big question is how?

If a big entrepreneur really puts some effort into preserving the environment and does not cheat in this department, if they open up some schools and do not use them for brainwashing, but instead they welcome the good kind of teachers and help their work, if they eventually grow some satellite small business and allow regular people to be in charge of them, gradually the world might actually lift itself up.

Instead of going toward a weird "no leader" dictatorship of a global dimension, those who can (financially and power-wise) should pray or whatever to be able to feel what is right and what should be done, to shift towards a more human like thinking.

The snake in the tree is here the marketing and management department, the sociology and economy man-hating freaks who produce theories based on cutting the humanity more and more out of the global policies. They should be banned as they are, and someone should revolutionize this field.

The neo hippies eating roots are not the solution, they are just some dudes who simply surrender themselves based on some ideas who also come from the corporate side - the strategy department :) The over spending corporate drones are also not the solution,. they just deepen the gap between the suits and the masses...
And it is scary to think how many brainwashed people might be roaming out there deeply believing in what is not true, but has been taught to them. the religion is not the solution either, as it has been acting for too much time as a political branch, and not a good one, unfortunately.

Common sense is something that people lost on the way, maybe we should look for its real meaning and re-discover it. Why have 4 or 5 cars if you and your family can arrange to manage with just one, or maybe one and a hybrid? Why build huge houses in which lonely old bitter people end up living alone, making a hell out of each others lives? Why spent desperately in order to impress the in-laws, the friends, the people we merely know? It is not a philosophical or a religious thing to stop before it is too much, to put an outgoig gesture of helping someone else in the place of an accumulating gesture...

Even charity is mean these days, it is everywhere, yet when you need it it comes with lots of string attached, and when you want to give to it, it is also mysteriously vague and numerous times crooks have interposed in this field. Why not make it easier for those who give to be able to give or to reach those who need? It's a matter of common sense.

it is the same with people who have skills but do not use them , instead being almost poor, while those who would need their skills are forced to be content with crappy things or services.

The faults of the intermediary mediums are only serving those who try to hide their misplacement and their mediocrity. When one does something wrong, he can pass it for a good thing only via lack of comparison. The mean and mediocre are tolerated and this has proven a mistake. Not tolerating does not include violence, just a simple gesture of making things right. people should be able to do what they are best at, not wait in line because the place is taken by a fraud. The frauds should nicely be sent home to discover what they are really good at - a constructive thing.

Ooo, the theories are so slippery when it comes to humanity. And the history has proven that putting the theories into practice has over and over again lead to chaos and abnormalities. Maybe that is why no theory is really welcomed - just common sense technical solutions and the cooperation of those who really pull the strings. If they do not turn good, then it is useless, because they already have the power for which year after year they reached, grasped and grabbed. And their actions had the outcome that we see today - they should not blame it on the humanity; nobody is allowed to use its own wrongdoings as an excuse... and for other wrongdoings, also...

Note: by religion is not to be understood God, or divinity, or the universe... these are entirely something else.
Note 2: the post is too long, so I will not spell check it, hope it is pretty much lisible :)

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