The blog is empty in new posts...the winds of stillness have muted the words and ideas. Writing them - and on the net, above all - always determines a certain degree of hypocrisy, an assuming of the observer's effect that slightly denatures the original ideas. For instance now the original idea was to post nothing, since there is not so much creativeness going around. The snow is big, yet it does not feel as the snow of childhood, the bright spirits are flickering, yet sometimes depressive remarks take my by surprise - is it me uttering them, when have I thought such things? A roughness of ideas and state of mind makes the moments of contemplation seem staged - as if a country person would try to seen a refined city folk. An "yeah, who cares anyway..." rises like a savage moon over most aspects of life. The apocalyptic economy and various manipulative ideas for the masses have in their turn gone old, and beyond them the thread is so visible, yet I am not referring to the spiritual thread this time, alas... All is predicted to be more and more expensive, the thieves are running the money wagons and the poor still have to act up polite and fill in CV-s and try to become square-heads just to get a cubicle and a minor wage. Yeah, who cares .... is anyone left to listen or care?
Maybe just a phase...
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