As predicted by myself, of course, the blog is starting to be abandoned. A bit. By myself, again. But not yet completely...
I was trying desperately to find online a sort of central knot of daily informations, gathered by another criteria than the usual in any newspaper online. Not in an "everything" section, which spreads further in "culture", "politics", "science" sections...
This type of separation is classical and outdated, now we could easily establish links daily between the financial events, the artistic ones, the science progress in the day X...why don't we? By we, of course, I mean somebody else than me:). Someone with the skills and the means to make a new era daily everything site. Or sites.
Of course such a virtual place could not include everything important, so why not make a few, like the video rentals used to have " John's pick" or "Andy's pick". Some different types of choosers would sort the relevant events and put them in virtual boxes, then allow themselves to also pick a theme or conclusion of that day.
And me, or my grandpa, or my younger cousin could follow one of those options, and still form a pertinent idea of how today felt around the world...
Maybe there are such sites, comfy, yet informative...Are there?
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